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Stroud Zhang Duo

violin and piano
Friday 23rd February, 2024 at 7:30pm

We are delighted to host Tunnell Trust award winners the Stroud - Zhang Violin Piano Duo.

Scottish Violinist Daniel Stroud is a fourth-year violin scholar at the Royal Academy of Music.  He has given numerous recitals around the UK, led the National Youth Orchestra of Scotland in 2019 and recently won 2nd Prize for the prestigious Winifred Small Solo Violin Competition at the Academy.

Chinese pianist Hanzhi Zhang is a concert pianist, chamber musician, arranger and recording artist.
Having studied at the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing as well as the Royal Academy of Music, she graduated from both institutions with distinction.


Macmillan Kiss on Wood
Mozart Violin Sonata no 27 in G maj K379
Brahms Violin Sonata no 2 in A maj Op. 100
Strauss Violin Sonata in Eb maj Op. 18
Ravel Tzigane

Venue & Arrangements

Nairn Community & Arts Centre
69 King Street
IV12 4BQ

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