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Grant Award from PF Charitable Trust

We're delighted to report that Music Nairn has been given a significant award from the PF Charitable Trust to support our ongoing concert series.  This is extremely welcome news as members are aware that the Highland Council, after many years of support, has had to discontinue its promoters grant scheme.  The PF Trust was set up by a Scot, Philip Fleming, merchant banker , Olympic oarsman and uncle of Ian Fleming of James Bond fame.  He was a generous patron of the arts and other good causes, and the charity has been continued in his name by his family.   It's really heartening when a national charity like this thinks that we are doing a great job!

Published on Sunday 9th September, 2018

Forthcoming Events

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Glen Cunningham and Anna Tilbrook
tenor and piano
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Maximilliano Martin and Friends
piano and wind